Intuitive Connection Circle
Intuitive Connection Circle
March 19th (Wednesday) at 6:00 pm
In Person @ Studio Be
1519 Grass Valley Hwy. Auburn, CA 95603
This is a monthly gathering of people wanting to deepen their connection to their Authentic Self, Higher Power, and Divine Guidance. We will be learning to rediscover your intuitive abilities. You will learn ways to receive and communicate with your intuition.
We will cover techniques such as soul hygiene, cutting cords or attachments, and learning healthy ways to care for yourself in unhealthy situations. Getting back in touch with your Inner Guidance through your natural senses; hearing, seeing, knowing, and feeling.
In this Circle, you will reconnect to your Divine and Inner Guidance. Regaining confidence in your own intuition and abilities. How to practice healthy boundaries by connecting to your own morals and ethics.
Techniques and guidance to create a healthy environment both physically and Spiritually.
Learn tools and techniques on how to take care of yourself so that you may be of service to others without depleting yourself.
Connect with your Higher Self to fulfill your Divine Life Purpose. A purpose that only you were Created for.
Uncovering your natural gifts, discovering your true abilities, and discarding the old beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you. Allowing you to stand in your True Power and Purpose.
Please join me. I look forward to working with you in a Safe, Loving Environment for those newly on the path and those who have been on this journey for some time.
The Light in me Honors the Light in you,
Brigitte Parvin
**Non refundable**